Friday, July 12, 2019

2019-07-12: Ai Team Member Walter Waltz Gloriously Finishes his Ph.D

Cheers to the month of Walter!

Walter Waltz has been a part of our team for a whole year now, and, along with his anniversary, he also just gained one of the most major victories achievable by man or woman: his Doctor of Philosophy!

This triumph took infinite amounts of hard work and dedication over the past few years.

Walter started his journey at Florida State University, where he received his Bachelor's degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics. He then proceeded to further his education at the University of Florida, where he received a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and pushed his focus towards robotics for his Ph.D program.

The Autonomy Incubator team is incredibly proud and happy to congratulate him on his success.

Some of us even got to take him out to lunch to celebrate!

Prior to joining us at the Ai, he used to work with many different robots that operated in hazardous environments.  Now, he is part of the In-Space Assembly project! He has been focusing mainly on motion planning so that the robot can successfully undertake each step of the assembly process.  Three important aspects he focuses on include object detection, collision avoidance, and trajectory execution.

This week Walter's parents came to NASA Langley to visit him and see his work in person.  In fact, his father works with robots as well!

Getting a Ph.D is a long and difficult process, so we praise Walter for sticking through the challenge and finishing with nothing but success!

*Queue applause here*

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