The summer has flown by at an unbelievable pace at the Autonomy Incubator (AI). The next weeks will see the departure of most of the AI interns as their ten-week tenures come to a close and they scatter across the country again. To celebrate their contributions and send them back into the world with a fanfare, AI Head Danette Allen and AI secretary Carol Castle organized a potluck picnic in the park next to the office. Gracious host Danette provided massive quantities of fried chicken and a craft beer station for those old enough to enjoy, while everyone else brought a dessert or side dish.
The AI power table tucks in. |
NIA interns Nicole and Curt (right) joined us as well. |
Danette and Carol bask in their party-planning glory. |
More guests! This was the hottest party of the summer! |
Jim Neilan brought his son, James, who is objectively the cutest baby in the universe. |
After everyone finished eating, the interns (and some intrepid PIs) took to the park and the accompanying playground to frolic. Baby James made an appearance on the playground too; the only member of our party for whom any of the equipment was designed. That didn't stop most of us from squeezing our ungainly adult bodies into the slides and onto the rocking horses, though!
Bilal and Loc have a jumping contest. |
Loc and Gil... |
Ben Kelley...
Abbey and Meghan... |
... and Baby James try out the bouncy space shuttles.
One of these things is not like the others. |
"I'm only a little stuck." -Loc
"I can't remember the last time I was upside down!" -Bilal |
Meghan surveys the Center from above.
While half of the crew gamboled about like kindergartners on the playground, the other interns played lacrosse with the toy sticks and balls that Carol provided.
Josh Eddy, Nick Woodward, and a MARTI guest play lacrosse. |
High school volunteer Nick Selig goes for a catch. |
Nick (the other Nick) loosens the pocket on his stick. |
Mike, Jeremy, Nick and Nick take a break from playing.
We can't believe that it's already almost time to say goodbye; the Autonomy Incubator won't feel the same without this stellar crop of interns around. The coming weeks will be bittersweet, to be sure, but we'll enjoy all of our time together as we spend our last days working and playing as a team.
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